I’m very lucky to do this podcast with my fellow trainer and best friend Paula Stone at https://brontecanineservices.co.uk/about.html Me and Paula met while we were training on the APDT instructors course from there it was where our friendship began. Paula lives and runs her own business in Denholme, West Yorkshire she has two dogs Boarder Collies Ayra and Ragnar.
Paula is a full member of the Pet Professional Guild, as well as a APDT member. More recently Paula has been accepted on and working towards gaining her Advanced Diploma (Level 5 - foundation degree) in Canine Behaviour Management.
The Podcast is aimed a pet owners and also pet professionals. It will be fun filled, full of tips, awesome speakers with great discussions basically it will be filled full of dog information the best subject to talk about! Come and join us two crazy dog ladies putting the dog world to right.
link to the Podcast https://emea01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fopen….