Trails For Tails dog training
Got a question? Call me on 07518 088 593

Head Trainer and Founder

The training was excellent

We've just completed the adult course with our dog Rosie. The training was excellent - very well thought out (particularly useful was learning how to get Rosie to settle in the pub :-)) - and a good structure with it being restricted to 6 dogs. This meant we got through a lot and received individual and personalised attention from Georgia. The training is positive and reward based - the dogs are never forced to do anything they don't want to. We particularly enjoyed games week with weaving, tunnels and so on. Georgia is a warm, engaging and enthusiastic trainer - I'd highly recommend her classes.
Jo Taylor Murray

What a fabulous time

Frankie and I have just finished our puppy foundation course and what a fabulous time we’ve had. Georgia has such a positive attitude and her methods of treat based and clicker training are very rewarding. Frankie has learnt so much and enjoyed every minute. Thank you so much for all the fun, help and advise and we wish you continued success for the future.
Lorraine Smith
Dog trainingAssociation of Pet Dog Trainers member

My Name is Georgia Selby and I live in a little village outside of Northwich, Cheshire with my four dogs Gobby Bobby the collie cross, Tillie the terrorist the jack Russell, Sid aka Warlord and Little Jimmy my cockers . My obsession with dogs started from a very young age. I was lucky enough to have grown up on a farm and was surrounded by dogs especially working breeds.

My passion turned into a my dream job thanks to my boy Bobby my eldest. Bobby is a rescue and came with number of issues and so started the journey and this is where Trails For Tails Dog training came from.

I am a qualified APDT instructor having gained the Parts 1 foundation and part 2 advanced qualifications from the Association of Pet Dog Trainers. I am a full member of the APDT no 01474. I’m also a volunteer Dog trainer for the charity Dog Aid, Dog aid Charity help train pet dogs into fully qualified assistance dogs to help their physically disabled owners complete every day tasks.I also help when i can with training at Cheshire dogs home helping the dogs to cope better with the kennel environment as well as getting ready for adoption.

Having grown up with working dogs on a farm, I knew I didn’t want Collies for myself, but I wanted more of a hunting dog, hence my love of terriers and spanners.

So, I embarked on my gundog journey, immediately feeling at home on a shoot.

My first working dog was Barry (a working Cocker) who taught me a great deal, alongside Barry, I was fortunate to be supported in my training journey by Chris Mancini, Sue Watkins and Jules Morgan.

Barry was the best teacher and taught me the most. Seeing my dog in his happy place inspired me to want to learn more.

My philosophy is, “everything provides feedback.”

Teaching allows me to share my passion and enthusiasm, I am positive, empathetic and always understanding. Through good communication and attention to detail, I want to provide my clients with the tools in their toolbox to teach them to embrace their dog’s needs.

Whether that is;

  • for the pet owner with an outlet for a non-working or working breed, developing ways to use their natural instincts.
  • working to be on a shoot.
  • working towards tests and trials.

Everything I do is to build the bond between the handler and dog, a mutually trusting relationship is at the heart of every success. Often, I can be heard saying “trust your dog!”

I firmly believe you need to be in the proximity of people who are where you aspire to be. For me, that’s the trialling world with my 2 working Cockers, Sid and Jimmy.

Therefore, I haven’t closed my mind to the older more traditional handlers or trainers. All have something to offer. I just don’t choose to use their methods so my journey to that end goal will be different.

I’m not afraid to give people the “roots to grow and the wings to fly.”

I recognise within myself that I am not the finished article, so I continuously look for guidance and support from those more experienced than me, and I accept that not everyone will subscribe to my approach.

However, I know that when I’m on a shoot, beating with my dogs, training clients, helping at a test or trial, or just spending time with like minded people, “I am in harmony with my environment”.


 I continuously keep up to date with latest Science based methods by attending regular workshops, seminars and courses. I adhere by strict code of conduct with the APDT to train in a kind, fair and effective way.

Here are my dogs:

Bobby aka  (Gobby Bobby) this is the dog that changed my life Bobby came to me from Manchester dogs home and came with number of issues that didn’t surface until a few months in the “honeymoon period” he had a thing for chasing joggers bikes as well lead reactive and issues with the larger breeds through hard work and determination we got there Bobby managed to get to his silver kennel good citizen awards as well as doing tracking and scent work which helped him hugely I will forever be grateful to my boy.

Georgia Selby with Tillie

Tillie aka (Tillie Terrorist) Tillie came to me by unfortunate circumstances I used to board dogs and Tillie came to me too board while her owner was in hospital, unfortunately due health reasons the owner could not take care of Tillie and they asked if we would take her on and here she is queen of her castle!!! Tillie has also  gained her kennel club citizen awards but favourite thing is scentwork she beats most spaniels to the hidden articles.

In memory

Barry aka (Bonkers Barry) I have had Barry from a puppy he is the only one not from rescue out of my four. Barry is my working and demo dog . Barry loves too star in my demo video for clients as well as recently demoing at crufts on the APDT stand, we are also part of a beating teams on  local shoots which we attend all through the game season. Barry will be working toward his Gundog club grades and working test as well as staring in more videos. Barry has been my biggest challenge out of all my dogs being a working breed from FTCH background he is hard hunter and requires a lot of patience and understanding he is cracking hard working little chap who is fast and if you don’t train him he will train you standard working cocker life!!!! Sadly know longer here due to illness we miss you so much little man.

Georgia Selby with Edi

In Memory

Miss Edith aka Edi I have recently rehomed this little lady she came from a friend who asked if we would take her due to change in circumstances. Edith is little miss bouncy huge zest for Life we have not had dull day yet with this little one, the training I have done with her so far is trick work and also she wants to be demo dog too welcome to the mad house Edith.

We Sadley lost the beautiful Edith in the summer of 2020 and we would like her to remain here as part of her many meomories we have of her she was taken to soon she was a very special little lady who will be forever in are hearts.



This is Sid aka Warlord ,  he is bold, busy in everything, carries everthing and a little drivy man.  Sid has a big journey ahead of him as he currently in training for working Tests and Trials. we are really excited about what the future holds for him and cant wait for you all to see how we do on this adventure. This boy is my right hand man hes cracking dog to train loves to work and also a brilliant demo dog i would be lost without him.


My youngest of the group, he is flashy, funny, can bounce to the moon if he could and real gentle soul if you want to know the definition of a Merry cocker its Jimmy !

Jimmy is currently in training like Sid for working tests and trials we are really excited about the journey we are taking with him and cant wait to see what the adventure brings.

Trainer Rhiannon

My passion for dogs and dog training started from an early age and over the years I have gained a vast amount of experience through training courses as well as having lots of hands-on experience with dogs.  

During my career I have worked in boarding kennels and for a specialist dog handling company, training, handling and recruiting rescue dogs. I have trained dogs to find drugs and tobacco, explosives, cash, live bodies and for conservation.  

Dogs always amaze me with their talents, and I still find it astonishing that dogs were able to detect even the smallest trace of odour no matter how concealed the scent was. Hence my desire to apply my skills to training gundogs. 

Working with dogs has highlighted the importance of good communication with humans and dogs. There is always so much to learn when training dogs and I am continuously learning so I can offer the best approach for my clients.  

Over the years I have owned a variety of dogs but currently have 4 working cockers. I participate in gundog training, agility as well as teaching tricks and scent work. I love working my dogs on local shoots throughout the season. 

Last year I gained numerous awards in agility & gundog working tests and in the last spaniel test of the season we won top Novice dog, Best Hunting dog and Top dog overall after a runoff with the winning open spaniel dog. We are competing in open working tests and hope to one day have a go at field trials. 

I love working gundog breeds and my aim is to help turn peoples struggles into their dog’s strength. I focus on games-based learning that shapes good choices and desirable behaviours. I understand that not all dogs are the same so specifically tailoring training to your dog’s needs is so important.  Training should be fun for you and one big game for your dog.

Trails For Tails | 07518 088 593 |
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